传统吸水材料主要靠大分子链上的亲水基团及材料中的孔隙达到吸水的目的,这种吸水方式的吸水量非常有限,且在压力作用下纤维的保水性很差� �而高吸水性高聚物则不同� WYLee et al. discussed the water absorption mechanism of ionic super-absorbent resin and believed that the osmotic pressure difference inside and outside the network is the key to the resin absorbing large amounts of water. KNAKAMURA et al. also proved this when using DSC and NMR methods to analyze the binding state of water in the resin gel. This point; Lin Runxiong et al. used DSC and NMR methods to This was also proven when analyzing the binding state of water in resin gels; Lin Runxiong et al. used FloryHUggins thermodynamics theory and solution thermodynamics theory to discuss the water absorption thermodynamics and kinetics of highly water-absorbent resins; ZengL et al. used NMR to study the highly water-absorbent properties Water absorption properties of fiber and polypropylene blended fabrics �<br /
Super absorbent resins can be divided into three categories based on raw materials: ① Starch-based (starch grafting, carboxymethylation, etc.); ② Cellulose-based (cellulose carboxymethylation, grafting, etc.); ③ Synthetic polymer-based (Including polyacrylic acid series, polyvinyl alcohol series, etc.) �其中聚丙烯酸(盐)类占高吸水性树脂总产量的80%以上� �这类高分子交联体属于离子型电解质,吸水能力特别强,且贮运方便� �<br /
1. Manufacturing of highly absorbent fibers<br /
There are currently two main methods for manufacturing fibrous highly absorbent materials: <br /
1.1 Hydrophilic modification of fiber<br /
纤维的亲水化改性是目前制造高吸水性纤维常用的方法� �它是将一般纤维如棉纤维、粘胶纤维或合成纤维如聚乙烯酸纤维、聚酞胺纤维、聚丙烯睛纤维等通过物理或化学方法处理来提高其吸水性能� �物理改性是将一般纤维与吸水性纤维混纺,也可在一般纤维中加人吸水性粉末,或者将高吸水性树脂的分散溶液涂覆在一般纤维或纤维制品上以提高纤维的吸水率� �章悦庭等将丙烯酸接技淀粉用NaOH处理后涂覆到非织造布上,制得的高吸水性非织造布每平方米可吸水几十公斤,吸水速度比颗粒状树脂快很多,且手感柔软� �化学处理则是用一般纤维与反应性物质反应制取高吸水性纤维� For example, polyvinyl alcohol fiber is added to an organic solvent mixed with maleic acid and heated to esterify part of the side chain of the polyvinyl alcohol molecule, introducing carboxyl groups and forming a cross-linked structure between the molecules, thereby producing a highly water-absorbent product. polyethylene fiber �日本理上义治、小仓真人等用类似方法制得吸水倍率为110倍的水凝胶� �用NaOH溶液处理后的聚丙烯睛纤维,经盐酸中和,再用甲醛处理也可得到高吸水性的纤维� �此外,纤维素的醚化及纤维素纤维、粘胶纤维接枝丙烯酸皆属于纤维的化学法亲水化改性� �特别是改性纤维素纤维,不但原料丰富、价廉,而且力学性能好,因而具有非常广阔的前景� �<br /
1.2 Super absorbent resin spinning method<br /
该法须先制得可纺性高吸水性树脂,然后再纺丝成形制成纤维� �目前可纺性高吸水性树脂主要采用吸水性单体与非亲水性(或亲水性小)物质共聚的方法制镊� The units used in copolymerization are mainly unsaturated monomers containing vinyl groups such as cyano groups, amide groups, ester groups, carboxylic acid groups, and sodium sulfonate groups, such as acrylonitrile, acrylamide, sodium acrylate, and methyl methacrylate. , methylene bisacrylamide, sodium p-styrene sulfonate, etc. �聚合多采用乳液聚合(或反向乳液聚合)、悬浮聚合(或反向悬浮聚合)� �有时亦采用溶液聚合� �纺丝方法可分为溶液纺丝与熔融纺丝两种� �溶液纺丝是将上述聚合物溶解到有机溶剂中配成均匀的分散溶液,再经干法或湿法纺丝制成高吸水性纤维� �选用的溶剂主要有硫氰酸钠水溶液、二甲基甲酸胺、丙酮等� �Westerink等用纤维素、磷酸(酐)等制成纺丝原液� �采用湿法纺丝将其挤人含有丙酮的凝固浴中,制得吸水能力为10g(水)/g(纤维),吸盐水能力为10g(盐水)/g(纤维�of highly absorbent cellulose fibers. Melt spinning is to melt the polymer into a viscous flow state and then extrude it into filaments. For example, a trace amount of sodium polyacrylate water-absorbing agent is added to nylon 6, and the water absorption and water retention properties of the modified nylon 6 fiber obtained by melt spinning are greatly improved compared to pure nylon 6 fiber.
2Uses of highly absorbent fiber<br /
2.1 Medical and health care supplies<br /
According to reports, about 95% of water-absorbent resins are used in personal hygiene care products every year. Baby diapers, adult incontinence pads, etc. made of highly absorbent fibers not only have high absorption rates and large absorption capacity, but are also more comfortable and close to the skin; napkins, Adding highly absorbent fibers to rags and toilet paper can also greatly improve their performance. �表1对几种衣料的吸水性能作了一个比较,从中可见添加了高吸水性纤维的贴身衣物能更有效地保持皮肤干爽,人体舒适感大大增加� �</p
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2.2 Industry<br /
2.3 Food<br /
高吸水性纤维在食品加工中的应用为现代食品工业开创了一片新天地� �用于食品中的高吸水性纤维一般是天然的食物纤维,如果胶、蛋白质等� Soy protein is blended with a small amount of super absorbent agent – sodium polyacrylate, and wet-spun to produce modified protein fiber. Adding it to artificial meat can increase the adhesion of the protein and greatly improve the flavor and taste of artificial meat. And make sure it’s non-toxic �</p
3. Development prospects of highly water-absorbent fibers<br /
2.创新纤维成形技术� Most super absorbent polymers are cross-linked products. The existing spinning technology is far from meeting the demand. If we can further innovate in spinning technology, it will definitely open up a way to develop more super absorbent fibers. broad road �<br /
3.加强应用开发的研究� Highly absorbent fiber has a wide range of uses. It can be said that wherever there is water, it can be used. At present, its main use is still in medical and health care. If its use is further expanded in other aspects, it will definitely inject attention into the development of highly absorbent fiber. human vitality
Extended reading: https://www.tpu- ptfe.com/post/7718.html
Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-62-834.html
Extended reading: https://www.tpu-ptfe.com/post/3321.html
Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-68-740.html
Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-17-43.ht